Alley Gator
Author: iPhone Reviews // Category:Alley Gator is more of a casual game, which is something Glu Mobile have steered away from in their past few releases. This is a game that is extremely simple to pick up and play for only 2 or 3 minutes if you really want to. This is a game that I have played very basic versions of before on the pc, usually as a dodgy flash game. I haven't seen any of these titles on the App Store before Alley Gator, but after playing this game it seems like a perfect match to the accelerometer.
For those who still can't tell what this game is from my cryptic clues Alley Gator is a tunnel-sliding game where you must tilt your way through sewers avoiding items that get in your way. What makes Alley Gator so much fun is that it looks absolutely beautiful with crisp, bright graphics. Glu Mobile has also priced this game very cheaply so it should appeal to the casual gamer. If there was anything I feel might be lacking in this game is a bit of variety in the game. I'll talk more about that later though.
This is actually a super amazing looking game. When taking a look at the screenshots you can just tell that this game is pretty special. There are six different environments that your cute little Alligator has to work his way through, each with a distinct theme like being covered in grafitti or all iced over from a cold winter in New York. With plenty of objects in your way, this game looks stunning in it's full 3D on any device.
This is such a simple game to pick up and play with excellent use of the accelerometer to play what was previously controlled by arrows on a keyboard. When you think about it this is actually the perfect title for the iPhone and I can't believe I haven't seen a title of this genre before on the App Store (There may be one that I have missed. If so please let me know in the comments section). This is a very hand-off title as there is little to actually do in the way of on screen buttons.
Alley Gator is a very simple game to play, tilt your way out of the sewer before the time runs out so you can save your Alligator from being stuck in the dreaded sewer. Apart from being very cute this game will challenge your reflexes as you hurtle around this pipe in a way that could quite possibly make you sick if using an iPad.
This isn’t a game that is too overly difficult for a relatively casual gamer to complete and it will only take about an hour to finish. This isn’t the type of game to finish in one sitting though, you will probably get one or two levels finished per play as that’s the type of game this was designed to be.
The overall gaming experience in Alley Gator is fun and great for a casual play. Everything has come together in sync for a fun experience. Excellent graphics, easy to use controls, excellent use of the camera rotation and a fun gaming experience. This is one of the more involving $0.99 games you will come across on the App Store. This is a game that can run on any device, be played by anyone who knows how to move an iPhone left or right and be loved by people who have a strong interest in cute alligators.
For $0.99 you can’t even go wrong with this game. Even if you don’t particularly enjoy this game then you have just bought two soft serves in the form of some brilliant eye candy to show off to your friends. This is really a casual game for anyone and everyone.
Gameplay- 7/10
Graphics- 9/10
Controls- 9/10
Overall- 8/10
Graphics- 9/10
Controls- 9/10
Overall- 8/10
I would recommend this game if you enjoyed- iTunnel 3D
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it's a fun game and I've been playing with my little boy (he just love it) and I think you'd add more tips about this particular creation, anyway this blog has been increasing my curiosity about this games. 23jj
Excellent article, retain it up
I have never played this game, but seems to be really amazing, after your review I want to play it...thanks a lot...
Interesting! I wanna play this game. Thanks for sharing.
From what is said in your review, the game sounds pretty interesting! However, it cannot be found on the App Store and I am getting error messages each time I try to locate it. It must have been deleted or something and it looks like I will have to stick to my old numbers game, Numbs: . It’s definitely an entertaining one!
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